Existing members
If any of your details have changed, please download a renewal form, fill it in, and pass the form to the membership officer at the next meeting. Alternatively, you can email or text an image of the form. You can even use snail-mail.
New Membership Introduction
The Huon Yacht Club is an active club with a strong and healthy membership. We welcome new members interested in all boating activities involving yachts and motorboats. Owners, crew, and people interesting in boats, together with their family and friends are most welcome.
We have Full Single Adult, Family and Junior Memberships available as well as Single and Family Social memberships.
The Huon Yacht Club Inc is an affiliated Australian Sailing club
Membership Fees
Membership fees include an Australian Sailing Number for each member. This is in line with all the other Clubs that are affiliated with Australian Sailing and Yachting Tasmania.
Full Memberships
- Full Adult Sailing/Boating (Single Over 18yrs) @ $115.00
- Full Family Sailing/Boating – (Parents+Children Under 18yrs) @ $165.00
Junior Membership
- Junior Sailing @ $50.00
Social Memberships
- Social Single Member (Adult) @ $75.00
- Social Family Member (Parents + Children under 18yrs ) @ $120.00
Membership Application
Please download a membership application , and pass the filled-in form to our Membership Officer, Commodore or Secretary. If you have already have an Australian Sailing Number please lets us know, so that we can link your membership to the existing number.
Club Meetings
All Meetings will be held in the clubhouse on the 1st Friday of each Month starting at 6.00 pm, or as per meeting notices issued by email.